Thailand Trip and The Idea of Becoming Digital Nomad

6 min readJan 26, 2019


Day in Bangkok

End of last year, i took a quite spontaneous trip to Bangkok since i felt a need to have vacation in order to give my mind a break from busy stuff that don’t contributing values to my life. It was quite spontaneous because i really didn’t had a concrete plan on what do to when i arrived there. But, since i have a good friend there, then so be it. I embraced this trip graciously!

And then i fall in love with Bangkok, like seriously deeply in love, like spontaneously love it just the way it is!

There are so many things that i love about the city. The people, the food, the places, public transportations, etc. During the trip, i was impressed by how the city was built. They have Skytrain and MRT that can take you all the way to the cool places around Bangkok very easy and quite cheap. It is crowded, but not as crowded as Jakarta, well actually it is crowded but manageable. It is also quite clean. Most people follow the rules, they don’t throw away their garbage the f*ck they want and they queue. Like proper human.

Man, it feels like Jakarta, but way way way much better!

View from Icon Siam

I want to live in this city!

Another thing to love is the food. Yes, the food is delicious and super cheap. I feel like i don’t need any fancy food anymore, i’m also sure fancy food is not the reason why people love the food here. We are all can just eat street food till we die because it tastes so great! My brain couldn’t stop looking for food, they are so many and can’t stop thinking about it.

Here’s the variant of food that i’ve tasted: a lot of kind of noodles, fresh seafood, padthai, mango sticky rice, padthai, mango sticky rice, padthai, mango sticky rice, padthai and mango sticky rice, lol! They both are my favourite!

Bangkok trip was so great, i’ve been imagining moving and working there. But, before we go there, here’s the list why i love every inch of it:

  1. Public Transportation: It’s so easy for me to go from point to another since Skytrain and MRT are so easy to reach, fast, cheap, and able to cover most of Bangkok main points. To not own a car or even any vehicles in my life becomes easier! A lot of pain in the ass of traffic jam will be long gone!
  2. Every men for themselves: I love the idea of independency. I love freedom. I would like to explore everything. Just me, a lover, some good friends, contributive communities and my work. That’s it. I don’t have to explain it further.
  3. Better Productivity: The easiness of moving from some points to another makes working more productive. Work where i like it. Coffee shops with high internet speed are everywhere. Tackling meeting over meeting is gonna be easier, supported by proper public transportation services. Saves me a lot of time!
  4. More Structured Places: Places were built properly. Even though there are a lot of street foods, homes, condos, and small shops but they are well managed and far from messiness. One thing for sure since i’d like to walk a lot, pedestrian ways are everywhere. Keep your body moves to keep your body healthy.
  5. Last but not least, The Food: Who can resist the Thai food? It’s so tasty, cheap and you’ll always feel “it’s not enough, one more!”.

Those are things why i love Bangkok and really want to move there.

Working on things that matter

I’m an independent man. I want freedom to do things that i care about. Things that matter to me. I love the idea of not getting attached to things whether they are jobs, houses, vehicles, or else. I hate to be controlled. It slows me down. That’s why, by this year, i’ve been starting and aiming to remove all stupid things and people that don’t matter in my life. Things that don’t give me value. It helps me to clear my mind. At the end of the day, i want to live simply by own less things, but produce more things. I’m a minimalist in progress. Still trying. Hard.

As i get older, i realize the importance of contributing to things that matter and exploring ideas that i am passionate about, for right now like living and moving in different countries for couple of years while building my own thing.

Ever since my trip in Bangkok, this idea has been popping up in my head. I just realized that there are so much things in this beautiful and rich world that i need to explore. But, i don’t want to be stupid ass that just traveling the world without thinking how i’m gonna live because we all need money. I also don’t want to save money month over month, year over year, working on things that i don’t care about, living poorly just for the sake to traveling to visit those most beautiful places that our social circles have been talking about only to keep our Instagram Feed interesting. What a stupid life!

I care about my professional career life. I care about my jobs. Whatever i choose to work on, it should be fulfilling to my desire. It should makes me grow to be a better person. This value is critical and this is first thing i consider when i’m about to make big decision.

Work from everywhere

Random afternoon in Chiang Mai

Look at this view!

What a great view right? It’s located in Chiang Mai, far away from Bangkok and city life. It’s like Lembang and Puncak combined in one place. Can’t get enough of it. Having exposed by these kind of places make me think a lot about becoming a Digital Nomad.

Yeah, that style of life where you can work everywhere while also be able to work on things you care about.

In this modern life where we have overloaded information, mental health is more important than ever. Filtering things that break their way inside our head is a heavy task. If we are not smart enough to filter information that gets to our head, then we are just gonna be stuck in it. We are lost in our own thoughts. It’s not healthy. We’ll lose focus and ability to do deep work on things that really matter to our lives. Staying away from the crowd is very important.

That’s why becoming a digital nomad is one of things i’d love to realize since while i’m able to be working on something i believe in, i could also enjoy life more by visiting new beautiful places more frequently. It will also makes me have more sustaining energy to run my life and ability to focus. It makes my life richer too.

There’s been a lot of discussion about “remote working” where some say it’s future of work and i totally agree with it. The rise of new and more advanced technologies will contribute a lot to this kind of work style in the near future. People don’t have to meet directly to have a meeting and manage their team tasks. All can be done by softwares. More cool project management tools, communication apps and even VR are rising now. More startups are implementing remote working. Maybe future is now. Can’t wait for it!

Explore more

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Working on things that matter, everywhere i want is life worth fighting for.

Here i am now, in a random coffee shop, still figuring out some ideas and problem that i’d like to tackle in order to realize my life goals.

One thing for sure is i’d love to build my own thing that will have impact to many people:

Tech company that provides services, with very lean team, consists of 30–50 high quality people, all paid very generously, make multi-million dollars, with very strong and diverse culture, able to work remotely, have international market and very low in external funding (more bootstrapping).

Can’t wait for it!

Life is rich.




Written by Wyndo

I nerd out about how top tech products hook their users 🎮 | A Solopreneur and Ex-PM writing about tech, SaaS, and AI 👉

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