Life is a trade.
The question is, what kind of trade are you willing to have?
Most people trade for observable metrics by neglecting the hidden metrics.
Observable metrics include money in the bank, the value of your cars, prestigious jobs, Rolex, and big houses.
Hidden metrics involve peace of mind, quality time with your loved ones, time in nature, a good night’s sleep, and how much time you can lie down on a hammock doing nothing.
Changing our gears toward chasing the observable metrics is easy because it’s visible to others.
Unwittingly, we join in this rat race of money and fame, leading us to hedonic treadmills and a miserable life.
We trade for higher job titles for more time in the office and stress.
We trade for more money in the bank for being busy to the point we can’t even enjoy the things we own.
We trade for more business deals for time with family, the ability to live anywhere, or a good night’s sleep.
We don’t realize the cost of hidden metrics because it’s not something that you can easily show off to other people.
We can’t see a dashboard that shows the peace of our minds, the quality of our relationships, and the value of overall well-being.
Money and fame are the ultimate game that most people are optimizing for.
If you are not careful, you will play this game your whole life, where your hidden metrics will take its toll and suffer.
The key is not leaving all observable metrics completely off the table.
But, it’s essential to know, at any given time, how much-hidden metrics we have sacrificed for a short-term gain on observable metrics.
Are we in the balance that we expect? Or should we tone observable metrics down to improve the hidden metrics? Or vice versa.
The answer lies within you to ask this question:
“What kind of life are you optimizing for right now?”
“Have you ever felt a moment of peace was worth more than a bonus?”
“When was the last time you measured your success by the quality of your relationships?”
Understanding these questions will help you navigate the choice in your life to find what truly brings you joy and fulfillment, beyond the tangible rewards of life.